Arboretum, The Zoo(s), and Nethercutt

So these are some sketches I did before the sketch dump post...just to let you see my reverse OTL

These were done at the Arboretum...they're all suppose to be "quick" so about 10-15 minutes each. Will taught me how to make certain ones look better...and how to correct my mistakes. Apparently I was the last person there and Will was just about to leave before he saw me and took a look at my ENTIRE sketchbook (;_;...tears of shame) and basically gave me a one on one critique/teaching session for an hour. Yet. I. Am. Still. Awkward. Around. Him. OTL I fail at life. Stayed at the arboretum an hour after closing because of that...

aaaand these were some of the zoo drawings I did before the sketch dump post. ;_;....I will NOT go any further back in the sketchbook, these drawings are bad enough already. For the sake of recording my progress....only these

ah...finally something new, these were some sketches I did today. The Nethercutt Museum was AWESOME. So many cars, so little time. I'm currently working on...finishing. ._. ...I think I'm better at gesture and quick drawings than sitting down an patiently finishing something. I think I'm getting better...yes?

This entry was posted on Friday, September 30, 2011. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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