Archive for September 2011

Arboretum, The Zoo(s), and Nethercutt

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So these are some sketches I did before the sketch dump post...just to let you see my reverse OTL

These were done at the Arboretum...they're all suppose to be "quick" so about 10-15 minutes each. Will taught me how to make certain ones look better...and how to correct my mistakes. Apparently I was the last person there and Will was just about to leave before he saw me and took a look at my ENTIRE sketchbook (;_;...tears of shame) and basically gave me a one on one critique/teaching session for an hour. Yet. I. Am. Still. Awkward. Around. Him. OTL I fail at life. Stayed at the arboretum an hour after closing because of that...

aaaand these were some of the zoo drawings I did before the sketch dump post. ;_;....I will NOT go any further back in the sketchbook, these drawings are bad enough already. For the sake of recording my progress....only these

ah...finally something new, these were some sketches I did today. The Nethercutt Museum was AWESOME. So many cars, so little time. I'm currently working on...finishing. ._. ...I think I'm better at gesture and quick drawings than sitting down an patiently finishing something. I think I'm getting better...yes?


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I've also been trying to work on my perspective drawings :( ...because you'll see I suck at perspective.

The first week...12 perspective drawings...and I didn't know how much time is "enough" time. They all kind of fail. =_=...because I didn't spend enough time on them. Second week, I went to the Getty and Travel town and spent a lot more time on each drawing. They look much better...but they're kind of...weird looking because my lines are ....crooked. 
But! Travel town inspired me a lot, I want to get really good at drawing trains and do something...with trains. 

The cars was homework for Dynamic theme I chose for myself was cars....since I wanted to force myself to learn how to draw cars. Tomorrow I'll get my chance to draw the real thing at Nethercutt.  

Sketchbook dump

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Alrighty, here goes the first post. Since I took a term off, I've been doing a ton of exploring around L.A. "researching" how to draw a bunch of stuff. Today I went to the Natural History Museum and it was awesome. I try not to bring my camera places where I tell myself I have to draw, so it kind of forces me to draw. I never look at my reference pictures anyway, I always google new, better pictures. Or go to the library.

This is also because I'm sitting in on Dynamic Sketching

The first few were...meh, but actually these are better than my first zoo drawings. I had a lot of practice before I could get as accurate as I have it. OTL... Most of these are just quick sketches, usually only 5 to 10 minutes each animal. I kind of got better at the end where I was drawing birds. The ones with more tone and highlights were about 45minutes to an hour each. 

I'll post The Arboretum and Nethercut sketches tomorrow. Huntington Library on Saturday. ....Personal "creative" sketchbook drawings afterewards...if I get the courage and hopefully preliminary "visual development" sketches for a book project I'm..suppose to be working on...OTL..I'm so lazy.